Our mission

Making water from air until every Aussie can turn on the tap...

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Globally, 2.2 Billion people don't have access to safe drinking water

But they're not all overseas!

In 2020, Australia reported to the United Nations (UN) and World Health Organisation (WHO) that we had achieved SGD 6: Clean Water for All.

Unfortunately, that's not the case.

A 2022 Water Services Association of Australia report, demonstrated that over 2 million Australians (that’s more than 8% of our population) are still living without access to safe drinking water.

The Challenge

Australia: the driest continent on earth

Our size, remoteness and varied terrain are all significant factors as to why this issue exists.

Small communities are often not a government priority and deemed unviable for large corporations. This results in water supplies that do not meet the health or reliability requirements of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Believe it or not, if a utility has less than 10,000 connections it's not required to report on its levels of health compliance or reliability. This is why the issue is so underreported.

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The Reality

Water you would boil before giving to your dog 

When you turn on the tap in many remote and regional communities, if water comes out (and that's a big if) it could contain arsenic, uranium or E. coli.

This is water you shouldn't shower in much less drink!

Worse still, soft drink is often cheaper than bottled water in many of these communities, a major cause of the high rates of chronic disease (such as diabetes) that remote Australia is battling.

The Technology

Generating water at the point of need

Although Atmospheric Water Generation (water from air technology) has existed for over 25 years, the price has put it out of reach for the people who need it most.

These innovative machines drawn in air, cool it until the water drops out, filter and remineralise the water, then keep it fresh and safe until it is dispensed.

Think of it like this: solar panels generate power where you need it, AWGs can do the same for drinking water.

Given Australia's hostile climate, Aqua Ubique have scoured to globe to find the the machines best suited to our conditions. Working with our manufacturers we're constantly developing, aiming to deliver machines that are even more energy efficient and reliable.


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The Solution: generate impact

Get water where it's needed most

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We believe in purpose over profit. Through our Drop 4 Drop initiative, every five machines on lease supports one in community.

That means by getting an MG10, you're helping bring water to some of Australia's most remote communities. Better yet, we link the serial number of your machine to the one in community, so you know exactly what project you're helping support.

So who are we?

A Veteran husband & wife team with a combined 20+ years of service

Shannon and Dannii are both Army veterans who have witnessed first-hand the issues associated with water insecurity

Whilst deployed on exercise in Papua New Guinea, Shannon was responsible for the logistics of 120 soldiers, including the provision of bottled water.

One afternoon whilst conducting a tip-run, the locals begged him to not crush the single-use plastic bottles before they were thrown out. Uncrushed, the bottles would allow the locals to capture more rainwater for their children, reducing the amount of contaminated creek water the children had to consume.

A few weeks later, these same locals looked on in bewilderment as the contingent were ordered to throw out two whole pallets of bottled water because it “had expired”.

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Growing up a few hours west of Brisbane, Dannii has lived with the hassles associated with not being connected to the water grid.

From dwindling water tanks to sub-standard bore water, she knows only too well the issues faced by remote Australia.

Now living on the Sunshine Coast, the pair are determined to harness their experiences, along with the regions potential, to close the water for people and communities gap.

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